Divergence University Performance

In this page you will find detailed results for Divergence University. The trades are executed by me and by my team of traders. Screenshots for every trade are taken automatically on MT4 whenever a trade is executed and when the trade is closed. Also, ticket number, entry price, close price, take profit and stop loss levels are recorded. Then, the overall result of a trade in pips and in percent are calculated.

Please keep in mind that the performance tracker for Divergence University has been developed later than the other strategies and this is why there are relatively few trades in the performance graph and table. The performance tracker was developed on August 2017.

Divergence University

Divergence University

This is a comprehensive Forex home study course, that includes a detailed Forex beginners introduction. It teaches everything you need to know about Divergences trading. The course is designed to turn both beginners and experienced traders into professional traders.

The course includes 6 sections with over 30 hours of video tutorials, step by step explanations of strategies, practices, quizzes and tests. It is 100% online, so completely available at any time, any place you prefer.

What do you see in the performance table below?

Screenshots for every trade that we take based on Divergences strategy are taken automatically on MT4 whenever a trade is executed and when the trade is closed. Also, ticket number, entry price, close price, take profit and stop loss levels are recorded. Then, the result of a trade in pips and in percent are calculated. The two tables below show the overall statistics in terms of total pips and percentage return for the systems.