Some Experts Believe Another Bitcoin Split is Coming in November

Some Experts Believe Another Bitcoin Split is Coming in November
Bitcoin Split

Some Experts Believe Another Bitcoin Split is Coming in November. Some of the biggest players in the Bitcoin market stated that this digital currency might be splitting once again as early as November. That would be the third version of this digital currency after Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash split a while ago. The reason why another split might be happening is apparently the fact that miners, as well as developers, are having different visions on how to continue with the development of this digital currency in the marketplace that has been significantly growing in the last couple of months.

One of those players, Roger Ver,  also known in the world of digital currencies as Bitcoin Jesus, has also said that at this moment it does not seem possible that big Bitcoin miners and developers will be able to find the consensus, and it will lead to another split of the most popular digital currency in the world. Core developers have also expressed the same attitude and the same opinion,  and they are known for being the biggest mining operators and programmers in the digital currency industry.

Not that long ago, a group of Bitcoin miners decided that their plans for the future of this digital currency are different from the rest of the miners and because of that they decided to split from Bitcoin and create Bitcoin cash as we have mentioned before. Recently, Roger Ver has confirmed that he is moving some of his funds towards Bitcoin cash because he anticipated that the second split of Bitcoin might be happening very soon and that would have a huge impact on the value of Bitcoin on the market.

Ver has stated that there will be probably the split between the Bitcoin legacy and the SegWi2X version of this digital currency. He also said it might not have any consequences on his business because that would provide him the opportunity to sell even more coins. In the last year digital currency market has boomed which led to the huge values of cryptocurrencies. Around the same time, the debate on how to proceed in the future and in what direction to take Bitcoin appeared with different suggestions being laid on the table.

At this moment, there is a group of miners and developers who demand the upgrade of the network that should happen in November. However, some other miners and developers do not see the necessity for that upgrade at least not at this moment. Because of that and if those miners and developers fail to reach the consensus on this issue, we could be talking about the new Bitcoin split and the digital currency that is to be created.

Last time when the split appeared, the value of digital currencies dropped 6.8 percent. Yet, that drop was just temporary and the value of Bitcoin and other digital currencies increased in the following days to the level breaking records. So, even if the new split happens and causes a drop in the value of digital currencies, it will not have a long-lasting effect as the future is very bright for Bitcoin and many other digital currencies.

Written by Vedran Ostojic

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6 years ago

Bitcoin and its every single updates goes unstoppable