The World is slowing down


Hi friends,

IMF warns of ‘alarmingly high’ risk of deep global slowdown. What does it mean? That the money printing doesn’t help as expected.

The IMF said there is a rising risk — about a 17% chance — that global economic growth will fall below 2% in 2013, which would be consistent with a recession in advanced economies and a serious slowdown in emerging and developing markets.

So I wonder where the money really goes? There were 3!!! QE already, what’s going on?

China printing money, Japan does, Europe does, Britain does… And?


At least as for now.

So from my opinion, all those who didn’t believe in the U.S dollar will be wrong, as I think that for long run the U.S dollar will show its muscles.

There is an old saying: “Before empire disappears – it fights for its pride”

U.S Dollar is an EMPIRE! And it doesn’t matter what everyone else will say! Before the end (that so many think will come, I don’t think so though) it will fight for its pride.

I am waiting for these days and the opportunities to come.

Have a wonderful day

Vladimir Ribakov

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