sRs Trend Rider 2.0 Performance

In this page you will find detailed results for sRs Trend Rider 2.0. The trades are executed by me and by my team of traders. Screenshots for every trade are taken automatically on MT4 whenever a trade is executed and when the trade is closed. Also, ticket number, entry price, close price, take profit and stop loss levels are recorded. Then, the overall result of a trade in pips and in percent are calculated.

sRs Trend Rider 2.0

What is the sRs Trend Rider 2.0

sRs Trend Rider is my flagship system, initially released to the public in October 2009. There were many software updates over the years following feedback and requests from traders, and a new version was published in April 2016.  The software includes sRs dashboard that displays simple visual trading signals, Force Index Indicator for verifying with higher timeframes, sRs Control Panel for automatic trades management, sRs Scanner for monitoring multiple charts, email & phone notifications and also customization for conservative and for aggressive traders.

What do you see in the performance table below?

In the table below you can see all the trades I take using the Forex SRS, updated in real time. Screenshots are taken automatically on MT4  whenever I  execute a trade and when the trade is closed. Also, ticket number, entry price, close price, take profit and stop loss levels are recorded. Then, the result of a trade in pips and in percent is calculated.